yolk - significado y definición. Qué es yolk
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Qué (quién) es yolk - definición

Egg yolks; Double-yolked egg; Double-yolker; Double yolker; Double egg yolk; Double yolked egg; Egg-yolk; Yolks; Double yolk; Vitellus; Double yolk egg; Double-yolk egg; Double yolked eggs; Double-yolked eggs; Double yolk eggs; Double-yolk eggs; Double-yolkers; Double-yolk; Double yolks; Double-yolks; Double yolked; Double-yolked; Yellow of the egg; Egg yolk; Egg yellow; Egg yoke
  • Diagram of a [[fish egg]]; the yolk is the area marked 'C'
  • egg]]
  • A chicken egg frying with an extremely thick red yolk. A normal-coloured yolk can also be seen, having been accidentally burst during the frying process.

The yolk of an egg is the yellow part in the middle.
Only the yolk contains cholesterol.
...buttered toast dipped in egg yolk.
·noun The yellow part of an egg; the vitellus.
II. Yolk ·noun An oily secretion which naturally covers the wool of sheep.
¦ noun the yellow internal part of a bird's egg, which is rich in protein and fat and nourishes the developing embryo.
?Zoology the corresponding part in the ovum or larva of all egg-laying vertebrates and many invertebrates.
yolked adjective
yolkless adjective
yolky adjective
OE geol(o)ca, from geolu 'yellow'.



Among animals which produce eggs, the yolk (; also known as the vitellus) is the nutrient-bearing portion of the egg whose primary function is to supply food for the development of the embryo. Some types of egg contain no yolk, for example because they are laid in situations where the food supply is sufficient (such as in the body of the host of a parasitoid) or because the embryo develops in the parent's body, which supplies the food, usually through a placenta. Reproductive systems in which the mother's body supplies the embryo directly are said to be matrotrophic; those in which the embryo is supplied by yolk are said to be lecithotrophic. In many species, such as all birds, and most reptiles and insects, the yolk takes the form of a special storage organ constructed in the reproductive tract of the mother. In many other animals, especially very small species such as some fish and invertebrates, the yolk material is not in a special organ, but inside the egg cell.

As stored food, yolks are often rich in vitamins, minerals, lipids and proteins. The proteins function partly as food in their own right, and partly in regulating the storage and supply of the other nutrients. For example, in some species the amount of yolk in an egg cell affects the developmental processes that follow fertilization.

The yolk is not living cell material like protoplasm, but largely passive material, that is to say deutoplasm. The food material and associated control structures are supplied during oogenesis. Some of the material is stored more or less in the form in which the maternal body supplied it, partly as processed by dedicated non-germ tissues in the egg, while part of the biosynthetic processing into its final form happens in the oocyte itself.

Apart from animals, other organisms, like algae, especially in the oogamous, can also accumulate resources in their female gametes. In gymnosperms, the remains of the female gametophyte serve also as food supply, and in flowering plants, the endosperm.

Ejemplos de uso de yolk
1. Yellow, for example, came from semi–solidified egg yolk.
2. The secret to a tender yolk is not to overcook the egg.
3. Slowly pour the heated half and half into the egg yolk mixture and whisk until smooth.
4. Prolonged heat breaks down proteins, and the yolk becomes as dry and gray as dirty socks.
5. This lets the egg white coagulate but keep the yolk runny, regardless of egg size.